The reason that there is always ambiguity about the nature of Christ in relation to his Father is that the source idea stems from a pagan myth of solar deities. The Jewish concept of God had already grown out of worship of the polytheistic Yahweh as one of the seventy sons of El in the Canaanite pantheon. However with the christ myth of the Greek texts, the early church leaders needed to secure their own role in society by bringing together all the differing pagan beliefs for the sake of acceptability to all comers. (The attempts and reasons and success in doing this are another whole story.)
The root belief, retold from time immemorial as part of the meaning of life that had been passed down through the generations, was all described in the starry night sky. The Bible which in many parts of the world replaced the astrological ordinances was not yet thought of.
How would late Stone Age peoples have viewed the reason for the marked changing of light intensity between midwinter and high summer? What would account for it? It was because the Sun God was born every year on the first day that the rising sun started to move north again from its most southerly position on the horizon three days after the shortest day of the year. How else could it have been explained? There was no Wikipedia back then!
The Sun god was born at midwinter, (Christmas) he died at the spring equinox (Easter) as a sacrificial saviour deity and went his way to his heavenly solar father who was also a Sun God. That is why the sun shines so brightly after the spring equinox.
It was on the basis of this belief that the course of the life of the solar hero was elaborated. It was re-told from time immemorial under different names which formed the saviour plays and beliefs of antiquity. They centred around a “superman” half god half human, born of a virgin in a cave with animals present (reference to the zodiacal virgin, taurus etc) who had twelve disciples (reference the twelve divisions of the zodiac) who healed the sick, performed miracles, walked on water (like the morning sun does) he resurrected the dead (Lazarus=aserus=Osiris) he died and overcame death. This pagan tale was retold in the Greek scriptures, embroidered and re-labelled using a name “Jesus” (for the sake of Jewish punters) and asserted them as if they are holy truths.
And the poor people believed... and the Church grew rich...and we fell for it too...